How to Use YouTube End Screens and Cards to Increase Views?

Every content creator aims to increase views, retain audience attention, and boost engagement. While high-quality content is the foundation, leveraging YouTube’s built-in tools, like end screens and cards, can significantly enhance your channel’s performance. We’ll explore how to use YouTube end screens and cards effectively to increase your views and optimize your videos for better audience retention.

Understanding YouTube End Screens and Cards

What are end screens?

End screens are interactive elements that appear in the last 5–20 seconds of a video. They allow creators to promote other videos, playlists, channels, and websites and encourage viewers to subscribe to the channel. End screens are a powerful tool to keep viewers engaged with your content and guide them to your other videos or related content.

What are YouTube Cards?

YouTube cards are interactive panels that can appear at any point during a video. They can include links to other videos, playlists, channels, websites, polls, or even merchandise. Cards are flexible and can be customized to provide viewers with additional information or direct them to related content.

How to Effectively Use End Screens

1. Promote related content.

Use end screens to promote videos that are related to the one your viewer just watched. This increases the likelihood of viewers staying on your channel and watching more of your content. For instance, if your video is about cooking pasta, your end screen could link to a video about making pasta sauce.

2. Encourage subscriptions

Adding a subscribe button to your end screen can help convert viewers into subscribers. Make it easy for viewers to subscribe by including a clear and visually appealing call-to-action.

3. Highlight Playlists

Direct viewers to a playlist of related videos. Playlists keep viewers engaged with multiple videos in a row, increasing your total watch time and improving your channel’s ranking in YouTube’s algorithm.

4. Promote external links.

If you’re part of the YouTube Partner Program, you can use end screens to link to your website, merchandise store, or crowdfunding campaign. This can drive traffic to your other online presences and boost your overall brand engagement.

Best Practices for Using YouTube Cards

1. Use timing strategically.

Place cards at strategic points in your video where they are most relevant and likely to be clicked. For example, if you mention another video, add a card linking to that video right at that moment.

2. Diversify card types

Mix different types of cards to provide a variety of options for viewers. Use cards to link to videos, playlists, polls, and external sites to keep your audience engaged in multiple ways.

3. Avoid overloading with cards.

While it’s tempting to add many cards, too many can overwhelm viewers and detract from the viewing experience. Stick to 3–4 cards per video to keep the interaction meaningful and relevant.

4. Analyze Card Performance

Use YouTube Analytics to track the performance of your cards. Look at click-through rates and engagement to see which cards are working best and adjust your strategy accordingly.

Effectively using YouTube end screens and cards is a strategic way to increase views, retain viewers, and enhance overall engagement. By promoting related content, encouraging subscriptions, highlighting playlists, and strategically placing cards, you can guide viewers through a seamless and interactive viewing experience. Implement these tips to optimize your videos and watch your channel grow!

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