How the YouTube Shorts Algorithm Works: Best Guide in 2024

If you’re a creator or just a curious viewer, you might wonder how the YouTube Shorts algorithm works, according to YouTube. YouTube has grown into one of the most popular platforms for videos, and with the rise of YouTube Shorts, many are eager to understand how these short, snappy videos gain Youtube views.

We will explain how the YouTube Shorts algorithm works, according to YouTube. We will break down the basics so that you can understand how to get more YouTube Views and increase your chances of success on the platform.

What is the YouTube Shorts Algorithm?

How the YouTube Shorts Algorithm Works in the system that decides which short videos are shown to viewers. It’s similar to the algorithm that selects regular videos on YouTube but with a focus on shorter content, typically less than 60 seconds.

The main goal of the algorithm is to show users videos they are likely to enjoy and interact with. To achieve this, the algorithm looks at many factors, such as video quality, viewer interaction, and watch time. These factors help the system decide which videos to promote and which to show to more users.

Understanding how the YouTube Shorts algorithm works, according to YouTube can help creators get more YouTube Views on their Shorts.

Key Factors in the YouTube Shorts Algorithm

According to YouTube, several factors play a role in how the Shorts algorithm works. Below are some of the key factors that affect how the YouTube Shorts algorithm works, according to YouTube:

Watch Time

Watch time is one of the biggest factors in how the YouTube Shorts algorithm works, according to YouTube. Watch time refers to how long viewers watch your video. The longer people watch, the more likely the algorithm is to promote your video.

Viewer Engagement

Viewer engagement is another crucial factor in the YouTube Shorts algorithm. Engagement refers to actions like likes, comments, shares, and subscribers gained from your video.

If viewers like and interact with your video, the algorithm takes this as a sign that your content is interesting and will promote it to more users. More engagement often leads to more YouTube Views and better performance.

Replays and Loops

Because Shorts are short, they tend to replay or loop, meaning the video restarts automatically once it’s over. If users keep watching the replay, it tells the algorithm that your video is appealing and worth promoting. This behavior can help increase your YouTube Views and boost your video’s ranking in the algorithm.

Content Relevance

The YouTube Shorts algorithm considers how relevant your content is to viewers. For example, if someone watches a lot of videos on a certain topic, the algorithm may recommend similar Shorts.

Creating content that is relevant to popular topics or trends can help your video reach more people. This is a key part of understanding how the YouTube Shorts algorithm works, according to YouTube.

Video Quality

YouTube prefers high-quality videos. If your video has clear visuals and good sound, it is more likely to perform well in the algorithm. Low-quality videos may not be promoted as much, which can limit your YouTube Views.

Titles and Descriptions

While YouTube Shorts are brief, the titles and descriptions you use still play a role in the algorithm. A clear, catchy title that includes relevant keywords can help your video rank higher.

Descriptions also provide context for the algorithm. Using strong, relevant descriptions with keywords like “How the YouTube Shorts Algorithm Works, According to YouTube” and “YouTube Views” can help the algorithm understand your content and recommend it to more people.


Though Shorts are auto-played, YouTube still sometimes displays thumbnails. Having an eye-catching thumbnail can attract viewers to click on your video, increasing your YouTube Views. The more people click, the more the algorithm will push your video to new viewers.

How to Increase YouTube Views with YouTube Shorts Algorithm

Now that you know how the YouTube Shorts algorithm works, according to YouTube, let’s dive into some tips to increase your YouTube Views using this algorithm.

Create High-Quality Content

It may seem simple, but the first rule of success on YouTube is to create great content. Ensure that your Shorts are entertaining, engaging, and high-quality. This means having good video resolution, clear audio, and a compelling message or theme.

Use Trending Music and Sounds

YouTube Shorts often allow users to add music to their videos. Using trending music or sounds that are popular can help your video become more discoverable. When viewers recognize familiar or popular music, they are more likely to engage with your video, boosting your chances of getting more YouTube Views.

Create Content Based on Trends

Following current trends is a great way to increase your YouTube Views. Whether it’s a viral challenge, trending news, or popular themes, creating content that aligns with what people are talking about can help your video appear in more recommendations.

Optimize Titles and Descriptions

Optimize your Shorts by including important keywords in your titles and descriptions. For example, use keywords like “How the YouTube Shorts Algorithm Works, According to YouTube” and “YouTube Views” to increase visibility in searches.

Engage with Your Audience

Interaction with your audience can lead to more engagement, which is crucial in how the YouTube Shorts algorithm works, according to YouTube. Reply to comments, encourage likes, and ask viewers to share your video.

Keep Your Shorts Short and Sweet

Since Shorts are under 60 seconds, it’s essential to keep your message clear and direct. Get to the point quickly, as longer introductions may cause viewers to lose interest.

Use Hashtags and Keywords

While Shorts rely on visuals, hashtags and keywords are still vital in increasing visibility. Add relevant hashtags in your video description, such as #Shorts, #Viral, or other popular hashtags in your niche.

Post Consistently

Like with any other form of content creation, consistency is key on YouTube. Posting Shorts regularly increases the chances that one or more of your videos will be picked up by the algorithm and go viral.

Cross-Promote on Other Platforms

Don’t rely solely on the YouTube platform for views. Share your YouTube Shorts on other social media platforms like Instagram, TikTok, or Twitter. By promoting your videos across multiple channels, you can drive traffic to your YouTube channel and increase your YouTube Views.

Analyze Your Data

YouTube offers detailed analytics that can help you understand how your Shorts are performing. Check metrics like watch time, engagement rates, and where your views are coming from. This data will give you insights into what content resonates with your audience and help you improve future videos.

Understanding how the YouTube Shorts algorithm works, according to YouTube can help you succeed in gaining more YouTube Views. The algorithm looks at factors like watch time, engagement, replays, content relevance, and video quality to determine which Shorts to promote.

By creating high-quality, engaging content and following the tips above, you can increase your YouTube Views and grow your audience. Keep experimenting with your content, stay on top of trends, and consistently engage with your audience to optimize your chances of success.

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