Tips and Tricks to Get More Twitter Followers

Tips and Tricks to Get More Twitter Followers

Twitter is a social media platform with over 330 million monthly active users worldwide. It is an ideal social platform to attract followers and get higher conversions. If you want to leverage the power of Twitter and use it as an efficient digital marketing tool, gaining followers is the ultimate requirement.

In this ever-evolving Twitter landscape, it is important to build strong social engagement and boost your following if you want to stay ahead of the competitors. A good number of followers determines your Twitter reputation and also gives you an upper hand among your target audience. It also paves you way for making a larger social community, getting your brand out there, and bringing in conversions.

With over 500 million tweets tweeted every day on this platform, you have to do more than just create an inviting profile to stand out in the Twitter world for gaining more followers organically. To help you in your quest to get more Twitter followers, some of the best tips and tricks are listed below.

1) Customize your Twitter Profile:

Customize your Twitter Profile

If your Twitter profile is not complete or incorrect, your brand won’t appear appealing or reliable to the users. Add your full name and other relevant information, and a handle that reflects your brand. Make a perfect bio since it is the first contact point that educates users about your brand, so you don’t want to go easy here. Put keywords in your bio and a link that takes the users to your official website. Having an engaging bio is a simple trick to gain more followers. The bio should be crisp and sweet, should describe your main interests, your value proposition, and the personal touch of your brand that users can relate to. Your bio is like your business card so it should better align with your goals.

2) Schedule your Tweets:

Schedule your Tweets

To get more followers, you have to tweet, tweet a lot, otherwise, you won’t get retweets. Getting more retweets helps you get more Twitter followers, and for that, you have to tweet and post consistently. This task can be time taking and you may need the help of some tools to make the process easier such as Post Planner, Hootsuite, Twittimer, TweetDeck, etc. Even when you have a jam-packed schedule, tweeting is easy if you use such tools. You can create a bulk tweet and schedule them in weeks or months in advance. These tools also offer content samples to help you curate great content for tweets. As a result, you get more followers and deliver value and entertainment to the users.

3) Go for Visual Tweets:

Go for Visual Tweets

Visuals are more captivating than texts, and no one could disagree with this. We all know visuals help with better information retention and people are more likely to see the images than text. So you might want to try the images or GIFs if the text is not fetching you the retweets and helping you get more followers. Relevant visuals surely get more views and attention. Memes and short videos on Twitter are becoming increasingly popular for capturing audience attention, so try it to increase your follower count. Make it relatable, unique, and shareable. For boosting engagement and getting followers, ask a question, share a quote, and share good images. If you don’t know how to add an artistry touch to the visuals, you can use tools like AdobeSpark, PicMonkey, Canva, etc. You can also use informative details visuals such as graphs, tables, and charts.

4) Retweet and Respond:

Retweet and Respond

Learn how to tag, reply, and retweet in a way that it considerably helps in boosting your Twitter engagement. Responding and interacting with the audience is going to create a better brand image and get you the desired count of followers. Keep on retweeting to expand your social reach and tag others frequently. Also, retweet the relevant tweets by the users, and don’t just aimlessly retweet in the hopes to get noticed. Retweeting your own tweets is another great way to expand your reach and get engagement on each tweet. Schedule your retweets using tools and retweets the tweets that are performing best.

5) Analyze your Competitors:

Analyze your Competitors

Find the competitors having the same niche as you and who are already dominating the Twitter market. Know their follower count, their brand, their tweeting frequency, and the kind of stuff they tweet about. Check out their profile, the way they interact with the users, and what tweets of them are getting more attention and retweets. You can also retweet their content to get noticed. Using these insights, you can plan your own tweeting strategy and get more Twitter followers. Learn from them but do not copy and showcase the essence of your brand to get more followers.

6) Promote on other Social Media:

Promote on other Social Media

Ask your customers and know people on different social media handles to follow you or share your tweeter handle with them. Go a little extra mile, and mention your Twitter handle on the business cards, digital marketing posts, advertisement, and on your website. Follow others if you want them to follow you. Know the influences sharing the same interests and follow them, chances are most of them are going to follow you back. This way, your tweets may show up in the feed of their followers, which will ultimately help in increasing your followers.

7) Keep your Audience Engaged:

Keep your Audience Engaged

Engagement is important as it lets you know if your audience is happy with your content. If you are lacking engagement, you will eventually observe a decrease in your follower count. Therefore, it is crucial to stay active and engage your audience through responding and retweeting. Boosting engagement is the key to retaining your current followers and getting more Twitter followers. Attempt to know your target audience by finding out about their motivations, interests, and values, and accordingly create interesting content that delivers value. You can also take the help of Twitter Analytics, and click on the audience tab, and further click on ‘interests’ to better understand the audience’s needs.

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